Ahh, this day has been interesting thus far. I got to work LATE this morning because I forgot to set my alarm then I take my glasses to the optometrist to get them tightened and they BREAK them!
This has been very unfortunate because I am actually having a great day. I just got done signing a lease for a year at a new apt, very cool. More about that; I have never lived by myself before and, excluding one relationship that ended up going to crap, have never been one to plan that long-term.
Yeah, so this lease is something of a symbol for the new era that The Ponderer is moving into. Uh oh, did I go crazy there?
Things have happened in the past year that have totally changed the way I think about myself in relation to other people. I had a "crash course" in relationships as it were.
This ended very badly, I was hurt more than I thought possible. How could one person hurt me so badly simply by telling me that they no longer wanted to be with me? Downer...
Really this was quite unfortunate, I thought- no, I KNEW that whatever it was that we had/have is an incredibly special thing. Oh well as they say, only time will tell what will come of this particular situation.
Anyway, moving on, life loves to throw you a curve whenever you feel too comfortable. Or it might throw you so many that you wind up going down a spiral. Either way, you can look at these things and take them a couple different ways.
You can a) Freak out and get so discouraged that you think everything sucks and will always suck.
b) Go on with life and forget.
or c) Take what can from the situation, even though it might suck, and better yourself.
Really it's just like riding a bike, as most things in life are, there are the great days where you go out and the weather is beautifull and everyone is out and there are the "crappy" rainy days. I love going out for a good long ride on those days if only because when the people passing you in cars look at you they give you that "Oh wow that guy is hard-core/crazy/determined" look.
The past years, riding a bike and commuting by bike have taught me a couple things. The first is about the weather, it is always changing and if you look at it closely enough there is both beauty and joy in it all. From the sauna-like inferno of august to the hail storms and downpours of spring.
Take everything life gives you and look at it closer, no matter how bad you think something is there is always that "silver lining" that the old people talk about.
Whether it's getting a list of exactly what sucks about you or walking out the front door when suddenly the sky opens up and drops a torrent of water right just as you have to ride to school, take some time to analyze the situation and find it's own unique beauty. Even riding a bike when you are sopping wet can be a joy if you give in to it...
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