Janis Joplin once said to an unnamed man, “Now come take it! Come take another little piece of my heart now baby!” Now to the layman out there in Cloud-land that might mean that every person you get involved with will take a small chunk of your heart and you will be left with that much less. Well, to that argument I disagree, I think that they will in fact take a piece of your heart but it will be as if they take a piece of what you are with them.
When you become involved with another person you can’t help but influence them in some way, positively or negatively, you give them a piece of your soul.
What does this mean? I believe that if you look at life this way that it gives you a certain power over another person. But as Peter Parker’s uncle once said, “With great power comes great responsibility” and you must be certain that you use this wisely. Make sure that you only give people good things; raise them up, never ever tear them down. Give them tools to use in the future and they will.
The Theory of Universal Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be manipulated to either be positive or negative.
So not only can you influence other people but you can also learn to influence yourself. You have to learn to look at your own life in the third person. Realize that you have control over how you interpret things; you both give out and receive energy. You have the power to interpret the world around you and make it be whatever you want it to be, so why not make it positive?
Being positive isn’t something that just happens one day. You have to work on it every day without fail, no exceptions. If you do so and you don’t allow the negativity to stay with you then only good things will happen to you. There is a frame of reference that is imperative here, though, because shit will always fall on you, that is just a part of life. However, you can learn something from even the most horrible of events and if that happens then you have improved yourself. That is positive.
Life is about perspective; all levels of life, whether you are dealing with people, places or things. The goal of life should be to keep that perspective wholly positive.
Take that piece of my heart with you and enjoy.
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